Playdate in a box is designed for kids age three to nine-years-old. Each themed box contains a “secret scroll” that helps take kids through an imaginative adventure, as well as costumes, stickers, markers, and an activity allowing kids to customize their playtime experience.
There are currently five boxes available, with two more being added this year. Choices are: The Superpower Girl, The Superpower Boy, Pirate Adventure, Rockstar Diva and Rockstar Dude. Boxes planned for 2018 are Dinosaur Diggers and Ballerina Besties.
“Founder, Letitia Fox-Varshavsky, said that she was introduced to ‘playdates’ when her son was three-years-old. She said that she’d search store aisles for toys that were for two kiddos that didn’t focus on electronics — toys that were tech-free and encouraged creative play. She wasn’t finding what she was looking for, so she created her own!”

Inside the Pirate Adventure Box, which is currently her bestseller, kids can find color-your-own-pirate-bandanas, pirate daggers, a sliding pirate telescope, eye patches, gold coins, treasure maps and foam swords.
The Rockstar Diva Playdate in a box includes two rock star diva tutus, two rocker cuffs, two hair extensions, two make-and-decorate rockstar microphones, song sheet,12 mini markers and lots of rockstar stickers , plus a secret scroll. The song sheets encourage your child to come up with an original song and who knows, your child’s next stop might be Canadian Idol.
The Rockstar Diva Playdate in a box is certainly a fun activity that encourages creative play, storytelling, role play and promotes language development. My daughter had a great deal of fun pretending to be a rockstar and she even got me into the fun as we did a little Barenaked Ladies duet- but ours was a parody about Pizza toppings.
The only negative thing I have to say about the kit is I find the hair extension doesn’t stay in the hair and the markers that came with the kit are of a poor quality. Aside from that the playdate in a box kits are a lot of fun. I can see the Rockstar Diva Playdate in a box kit getting lots of use in our house.
To learn more about Playdate in a Box visit www.artfulplaydate.com or www.playdateinabox.com. Watch Playdate in a Box YouTube videos at https://artfulplaydate.com/video-gallery
Purchase Playdate in a Box via Amazon.com.